Vol: 1/Year: 2021/Article: 125

The Effect of Circuit Training Programme on selected Physiological Variables of Kho Kho Players

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Circuit training is an excellent way to improve mobility, strength, stamina also more impact on various physiological systems.

 The study was designed to investigate the Training programme on selected physiological variable of Kho Kho Players. To achieve the purpose of Players were selected from D.B.ACS College,Bhokar Dist.Nanded as subjects they were divided into two groups i.e. Control Group & Experimental Group. Control Group was not given any specific training practice. Experimental Group assigned Circuit training for 6 weeks. Criterion variables were Blood Pressure (Systolic and Diestolic), Respiratory Rate, Pulse Rate. All the dependent variable were assessed before & after training period of 6 weeks. Analysis of covariance was assists to find out the post test mean difference among the groups. Experimental Group showed significant reduction in Systolic blood pressure (CD=0.49, P<0.01), significant not show any change in diastolic blood pressure (CD=0.09, p>0.05). significant reduction in respiratory rate (C.D. = 0.48, P<0.01), significant reduction in Pulse Rate (C.D. =0.52, P<0.01). Control Group did not show any significant differences in all variables.

The Effect of Circuit Training Programme on selected Physiological Variables of Kho Kho Players


 Dr. Venkat S.Mane

Director of Physical Education &Sports     

Digambarrao Bindu Arts,Commerce &

Science College,Bhokar Dist.Nanded.(M.S)



Circuit training is an excellent way to improve mobility, strength, stamina also more impact on various physiological systems.

 The study was designed to investigate the Training programme on selected physiological variable of Kho Kho Players. To achieve the purpose of Players were selected from D.B.ACS College,Bhokar Dist.Nanded as subjects they were divided into two groups i.e. Control Group & Experimental Group. Control Group was not given any specific training practice. Experimental Group assigned Circuit training for 6 weeks. Criterion variables were Blood Pressure (Systolic and Diestolic), Respiratory Rate, Pulse Rate. All the dependent variable were assessed before & after training period of 6 weeks. Analysis of covariance was assists to find out the post test mean difference among the groups. Experimental Group showed significant reduction in Systolic blood pressure (CD=0.49, P<0.01), significant not show any change in diastolic blood pressure (CD=0.09, p>0.05). significant reduction in respiratory rate (C.D. = 0.48, P<0.01), significant reduction in Pulse Rate (C.D. =0.52, P<0.01). Control Group did not show any significant differences in all variables.


Keywords:, : Circuit training, Physiology



Circuit training is an excellent way to improve mobility, strength and stamina. Physical fitness of Indian Kho Kho Players, to day, is really questionable. Easily access of modern amenities restricts them to do hard physical labor. Gradually, they become sedentary. In their sedentary lives, physical inactivity leads towards most common metabolic disorders that may cause not only the morbidity and mortality, but also cause numerous health complications.

Circuit training is an excellent way to improve physiological variables of Kho Kho Players. Circuit training they have more impact on various physiological system. Circuit training influences one’s circulatory process that in fact changes Blood pressure, respiratory rate, pulse rate. The role of circuit training exercise on body function for Kho Kho Players is really significant.

Experiment of Circuit training for physiological and health benefit a simultaneous experiments to strategically planned in the study, entitled“Effect of circuit training on selected Physiological Variables of Kho Kho players”.



The investigator has used a experimental design that consists of one Control Group and one Experimental Group. 

Subject:- The investigation was carried out in the Digambarrao Bindu Arts,Commerce & Science College,Bhokar Dist.Nanded.(M.S). Sixty Boys (n=60), aged 18 to 21 years, as selected from the population two hundred students of the said college, were randomly assigned into two groups., Experimental Group and Control Group. Each group consists of 30 Players. As per college health record. all the students were found clinically normal.        

After the pre-test with the physiological tests the Experimental Group underwent a training programme of Circuit training; whereas the Control group did not participate in any of the above training programme.


Circuit Training Programme

Two months Circuit Training Programme

(Three days in week from 5.00 p.m. to 5.50 p.m.)










20 sec

20 sec


2 min.


20 sec

20 sec


2 min.


30 sec

30 sec


2 min.


30 sec

30 sec


2 min.


40 sec

40 sec


3 min.

( NB : Warming up 15 minits before training session 5minit cool down at the end of session )


Circuit training programe to the subjects of the Experimental Group has been imparted daily for 45 minutes in the morning.  The training programmer was imparted three days in a week except Sunday and holidays for a total period of 6 weeks. The subjects of the Control Group did not participate in Circuit training.

After the experimental period is over, the subjects of all the groups were post–tested with the Physiological Tests.


1) Dependent variable           

Physiological Variables:-

Circuit training has more impact on various physiological systems. Circuit training programme influence one’s circulatory process that, in fact, changes respiratory rate, pulse rate. Thus, selection of following dependent variables seems to be justified:


1. Blood pressure(systolic and diastolic blood pre)                  

2. Respiratory Rate,

3. Pulse Rate


2) Independent Variables:-


A set of circuit training programme (six exercises) for Experimental  Group, independent variables for this study.

1)Press ups 2) Squat jumps  3) Situp’s 4) Tradmills 

5) Squat Thrusts 6) Shuttle Runs


Data analysis :

The data collected were analyzed primarily by the descriptive statistics. Further, looking towards the nature of design of the present study ANCOVA for data analysis.




Result on Systolic Blood Pressure


Circuit training showed significant reduction in systolic blood pressure which is remained at the lower limit of normal range (CD=0.49, p<0.01).

Controlled subjects did not show any change in systolic blood pressure scores (CD=0.10, p>0.05).


Result on Diastolic Blood Pressure


Circuit training did not show any change in diastolic blood pressure which in fact remained at the normal range (CD=0.09, p>0.05).

For controlled subjects the scores of diastolic blood pressure were unaffected (CD=0.12, p>0.05).


Result on Respiratory Rate

Circuit training showed significant reduction in respiratory rate which is remained below the normal range (CD=0.48, p<0.01).

Controlled subjects did not show any change in respiratory rate scores (CD=0.11, p>0.05).



Result on Pulse Rate

Circuit training showed significant reduction in pulse rate which is remained at the lower limit of the normal range (CD=0.52, p<0.01).

Controlled subjects did not show any change in pulse rate (CD=0.18, p>0.05).




   Analysis of physiological variables revealed that –


Circuit training showed significant reduction in systolic blood pressure which is remained at the lower limit of normal range (CD=0.49, p<0.01).

Circuit training did not show any change in diastolic blood pressure which in fact remained at the normal range (CD=0.09, p>0.05).

          Circuit training showed significant reduction in respiratory rate which is remained below the normal range (CD=048, p<0.01).

Circuit training showed significant reduction in pulse rate which is remained at the lower limit of the normal range (CD=0.52, p<0.01).




  1. Circuit Training reduces systolic blood pressure; respiratory rate and pulse rate whereas no change is recorded in diastolic blood pressure by the interventions. This indicates that a Circuit training exercise is very effective to improve circulo-respiratory efficiency of the Kho kho Players.


  1. Thus, Circuit training to improve almost all the selected physiological variables in Kho kho Players.




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