Vol: 1/Year: 2021/Article: 101

Hemoglobin profile of college girl students

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Abstract background : Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and returns carbondioxide from the tissues back to the lungs. Low hemoglobin count can be associated with disease or condition that causes your body to have too few red blood cells. Objectives: This study investigate that college girl students hemoglobin status. Methodology: 101 girl students of age group 18 to 22 years were evaluated hemoglobin levels. Result: The hemoglobin levels ranged between 7 to 12 g/dl. The percentage of students with mild, moderate, severe & non-anemia were 60.39%, 36.63%,1.98, 0.99% respectively. These results suggested that major girl students are found 60.39% were mild, 36.63% were moderate anemic and 0.99% were severe anemic. 97%  students were found anemic. Conclusion: The problem of anemia arises mainly due to lack of balanced and nutritious diet which forces them to get into anemic condition over a period of time. It is essential to improve nutritional status of girl who further makes up the family and society, implemainting health education, early as possible detection and effective management of anemia through diet.

Hemoglobin profile of college girl students

 Dr. Karanjkar R.P., Director of Phy.Edun.& Sports, Jaikranti Arts & Commerce Sr. College, Latur.  Karanjkar166softball@gmail.com


Abstract :

Abstract background : Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and returns carbondioxide from the tissues back to the lungs. Low hemoglobin count can be associated with disease or condition that causes your body to have too few red blood cells. Objectives: This study investigate that college girl students hemoglobin status. Methodology: 101 girl students of age group 18 to 22 years were evaluated hemoglobin levels. Result: The hemoglobin levels ranged between 7 to 12 g/dl. The percentage of students with mild, moderate, severe & non-anemia were 60.39%, 36.63%,1.98, 0.99% respectively. These results suggested that major girl students are found 60.39% were mild, 36.63% were moderate anemic and 0.99% were severe anemic. 97%  students were found anemic. Conclusion: The problem of anemia arises mainly due to lack of balanced and nutritious diet which forces them to get into anemic condition over a period of time. It is essential to improve nutritional status of girl who further makes up the family and society, implemainting health education, early as possible detection and effective management of anemia through diet.

Key Words : Hemoglobin, Moderate, Severe, Mild, Anaemia

Introduction :

                                                A low hemoglobin is referred to as anemia or low red blood count. Anemia is manifested by decrease in the oxygen carrying capacity of blood. The anemia is mainly caused by poor nutrition. Hemoglobin deficiency is a major health problem affecting people of all groups all over the world. 

According to WHO, out of the south Asian countries prevalence of anemia is highest in india. Prevalence of anemia is high in all the states of india due to low dietary intake of iron (less than 20 mg/day) and folic acid intake (less than 70 mg/day) poor bioavailability of iron (3-4%) only., Chronic blood loss due to infection such as maleria and who known infections etc. Studies have shown that majority of specially college girl students, were anemic that might be aggravated by food habit and lack of awareness. Indian government has been taking steps from time to time to tackle problem of anemia in community. Purpose of the study :The aim of the present study was to determine the levels of hemoglobin for the college girls. This study will help assessing their health status.

Methodology :

101 our college girl students of age range between 18 to 22 years evaluated for hemoglobin levels. Hemoglobin is usually measured as a part of the routine complete blood count (CBC) test from a blood sample. The measurement of HB was taken in Government medical college and Hospital well equipped clinical laboratory, using automated hematology analyzers which are reliable and accurate.

Result &Discussion :

All the data tabulated and analyzed statistically. The WHO classification of anemia was used for classifying the subjects according to severity of anemia as shown in


Table no. 1


Non anemia

Mild anemia



Severe anemia

College girl students age range 18 to 22 years.


≥ 12 g/dl


10 - 11.99 g/dl


7 – 9.99 g/dl


≤ 7 g/dl



Results of hemoglobin levels in the present study are shown both in terms of percentage and number of students with serve, moderate, mild, and no anemia in following Table no. 2

Table no. 2





No anemia


No. of Students






% of students







Figure – 1


Figure - 2

Graphical representation showing the percentage of college girls students with different levels of anemia.

Graphical representation figure 1 & 2 are clearly demonstrating that a maximum proportion of girl students 97.02% (60.39 + 36.63) are having mild & moderate anemia and 0.99 % girls are severely anemic and only 1.98 % is no anemia.

Acknowledgement :

Author is thankful to the doctors, lab technisians in Government Medical College & Hospital Latur and his staff.  Thanks to Dr. Algule K.V.(Program Officer of N.S.S.), participants for giving us the opportunity for being the part of this study.

Conclusion :

The low hemoglobin count cause associated with disease or condition that causes your body to have too few red blood cells. The problem of anemia arises mainly due to lack of balanced and nutritious diet which forces them to get into anemic condition over a period of time. It is essential to improve nutritional status of girl who further makes up the family and society, implemainting health education, early as possible detection &dffective management of anemia through diet. The present study also clearly said the need for implemainting above said measures at college level as 97 % of girl students tested are under anemic state.

Refrences :

  • Census of India: Age Structure And Marital Status: Women and Men in India 2013. 15thIssue  Central  Statistics  Office  National Statistical  Organisation.
  • DeMayer  EM,  Tegman  A.  Prevalence  ofanaemia in the World. World HealthOrganQlty 1998;38:302-16.
  • Gurupreet Singh and Kuldeep Singh “ Prevalence of anemia in urban college going girl students,” Research article, Biomedical Research (2017) Volume 28, issue – 3
  • National  Nutrition  Monitoring  Bureau (NNMB). NNMB  Micronutrient  Survey. Hyderabad:  National  Institute  of  Nutrition: 2002.
  • Sai Padma Aluri, “ Evaluation of nutritional status of college girl students in terms of Hemoglobin levels and BMI.” Research gate.net.
  • www.Mayo clinic.org≥pac.20385075
  • www.who.int/indicators/haemoglobin.pdf
  • WHO, UNICEF, and UNU, Iron Deficiency Anaemia:  Assessment,  Prevention  and  Control. Geneva, Switzerland,2001.http://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/micronutrients/anaemia_iron_deficiency/