Vol: 1/Year: 2011/Article: 19

Ancient Indian Medicine- Gateway To Universal Health

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In this modern stressful world human health has become causality. Both an urbanite and ruralite are finding it very difficult in their respective busy line to pay any serious attention to a sustainable health

Ancient Indian Medicine- Gateway To Universal Health

Presented by
E-MAIL: drrcreddy72@gmail.com

In this modern stressful world human health has become causality. Both an urbanite and ruralite are finding it very difficult in their respective busy line to pay any serious attention to a sustainable health.

Modern stress and strain is leaving a cancerous impact on men's health. Though longevity of men has increased over the years, yet the quality of life is a big question mark. Of course, in recent time's health awareness and consciousness is on the rise, but what people should achieve is affordable health system.

Even after 63 years of Independence still 37% of Indians are living under below poverty line, of the remaining above poverty line i.e. 95% hail from middle or lower middle class back ground. So for majority of Indians affordable and sustainable health is essential for all-round growth.

We all know that we have made tremendous strides in health care in last few years; it has become prohibitively costly beyond the reach of common man. What is necessary today is affordable and inclusive health care. Inclusive here means, I believe with in the reach of men hailing from the lowest strata from the society.

We have various streams of medical systems namely allopathic, ayurvedic and homeopathic etc., unfortunately research in the ancient medicine of the world has not been considered seriously by this modern society.

Ironically it is simplest, cheapest and easiest of all the systems. It does not require any specialist or any expensive medicine or any kind of diagnostic test or even any use of equipment. It can be easily preached and practiced in every house even by laymen. It is a time tested and proven Medicare test which has yielded a phenomenal result.

How to get good Health?

Health is just not limited to physical fitness but also includes mental
well-being and bliss. Ancient Indian Medicine gave prominence to a sound mind and emotional balance, which can be achieved by meditation and recitation of certain mantras such as "Gayatri Mantra". I am proud to say that in future modern medical remedies would just not be limited to taking drugs but it would include ancient Indian medical practices such as ' Yogaasanas, Pranayam, meditation and recitation of mantras'.

Man is destined to rise from mere physical sphere to a broad spiritual sphere. Then man would grow to a superhuman stage. This is not exaggeration but an undisputed fact. Just as man evolutionised from a single cell, he would further evolutionise to a superhuman stage, because of the mind but not the body that would play a key role-not physic but psychic. The whole world would then accept and acknowledge the Indian Theory of Medicine.

Thus anyone desirous of sound health should realize the importance of maintaining the equilibrium of the said three traits, prevent the abnormalities and deficiencies and thereby rise to a super-human stage

Ancient Indian medical expert 'Cheraka' suggested that every human being should expose his/her body to seasonal changes and consume seasonal foods/fruits so as to augment body resistance, which in turn prevents many diseases. How strong and sound the body may be, unless one has mental bliss and purity, one can't enjoy complete sound health. For this, one must practice 'Recitation of sound energy and meditation'. So one must always remember the evergreen dictum' A sound mind in a sound body'

Indian theory of medicine is worth doing maybe tougher to see but is simple and designed to do at home or in open places and are cost free proved to be the highly effective elixir of healthy and happy life which can be afforded by every individual.

Indian theory of medicine not only cures the modern ailments but also prevent terminal illness and it could help you to a longer life and an active independent old age and can certainly delay or avoid the need for institutional care in the old age.

The role of physical exercise:- Physical fitness is the key to long life, fit people make a fit nation. Physical fitness can be defined as" As a capacity to perform sustained muscular work satisfactorily" Fitness of the muscle warrants regular exercise to consume and burn calories which he takes in his food daily. Physical fitness is the richest possession of a man. It has to be earned through a daily routine of physical exercise. A successful person is one who leads a healthy life but not wealthy life. Physical robustness keeps an individual fit active and joyful.Physically strong citizens make their country strong.

A sound mind lives in a strong body.

To preserve health is a moral and religious duty, for health is the basis of all social virtues. Health is goodness Weakness is Sin.

It is needless to say that physical exercise plays no mean role in the upkeep of health. It may be repeatedly emphasized walking, jogging, swimming, cycling etc keep one's body fit and trim. An apple a day keeps the doctor away should be modified to walk a mile a day keep the doctor away. 'Walk a mile---Keep your smile' is the simple secret of health.

Million rupees…Billion Problems

Thousand steps………Billion Smiles

'Run for your life' is the order of the day. "So be on your legs as long as possible or else four pair of legs may carry you on your premature last Journey"

Balanced diet is another key factor. 'Eat greens and be evergreen' is the latest law of life. They say that you are what you eat and what you do'

So fitness wellbeing and health are good friends. Where one is, the other two will be


There is an age-old dictum 'Health is real wealth'. It is needless to say that health is intricately connected to fitness and well-being. In fact, they are complimentary- the vehicle of health vests on the two wheels of 'Fitness and Well-being'

Right from birth to death the only true aim of everyman for that matter, of every living-being is-;To live longer, better and healthier'. And above all a life free from sickness and diseases every moment of life, man strives to breathe easy and feel good.

Human body is a complex machine. Its miraculous working depends on fitness, well-being and health. Like any other machine, our body machine needs constant exercise. "To rest is to rust' is a no mean remark and it finds a universal acceptance.

Well-being and Health is an offshoot of constant exercise. Modern man leads mostly a sedentary life eating junk food and wholly relying on automobiles to ply from home to work place and back. There is hardly any scope for time for physical activity, leading to obesity and other related ailments such as diabetes, Hypertension and consequential cardio vascular diseases. Most of the human beings they sacrifice their first half of life for earning wealth at the cost of health. The Second half of life they sacrifice the earned wealth to protect health. Ultimately they left with nothing. Either they will have health or wealth.

"Prevention is better than cure" truly applies to well-being and Health. The best way to cure is to prevent. I consider that regular exercise is insurance to health and in prevention of hypo kinetic diseases.

To trace the history of medical science, Lord Brahma bequeathed it to Prajapati, who in turn passed it over to Aswini Gods, and then to ancient rishis and scholars.

Health may be defined as a proportionate balance of Phlegm, Bile and Gastro traits in human body. "Doshanaam Saamyamarogyam Vaishaamyam Vyadhi Rubhyate"- According to Ayurveda any imbalance of aforesaid traits is the root cause of disease. Only a yogi can maintain this fine balance of traits through yogakriyas.

Death is inevitable and predestined and so no one can escape from the icy pangs of death. But one can prolong one's life by certain medical and medicinal remedies. Fitness is nothing but maintaining a fine balance of Phlegm, Bile and Gastro traits. It is also necessary to maintain the levels of seven important aspects such as muscle 'main bones, bone marrow, sperm, veins, blood and nerves etc.

The abdominal part of human body plays a key role in maintaining health. So certain aasanas such as 'Bhujagaasana,Mayuraasana' Dhanurasana, Paschimottanasana, arthamatsyendrasana and Halasana. Activate the abdominal muscles and veins, which in turn maintain body health.

Nearly seventy two thousand veins originate from navalpit and spread all over the body. Of these, three are most important-'Ida, Pingala and Sushuma'. The first two are situated in the nostrils and they can be activated by performing regular 'Pranayama' The last named is a cosmic vein and if it is activated, one can enjoy sound health, Yogic climax and bliss. Different kind of aasanas activate different veins, muscles and secretions in human body, resulting in eternal sound health.

Regular Pranayama helps in oxygenisation i.e., optimum utilization of inhaled oxygen, which supplies vital energy to the body. It leads to both physical and mental bliss and keeps human body battle-fit forever. Thus maintaining different body traits is the secret of fitness and health.

Health and wellness promotion includes efforts to alter personal lifestyles to enhance the quality of life, just as physical fitness is altered by regular physical activity; wellness is a state of being that is altered by ones behavior that is partially or totally in one's own control. That includes 8 limbs of Astangayoga. These are 1.Yama (Restraints) 2.Niyama (Observance) 3. Asana (Postures) 4. Pranayama (Control and expansion of breath) 5. Pratyahara (Interiorization of mind) 6. Dharana (Concentration) 7. Dhyana (Meditation) 8. Samadhi (Divine union). Some of the healthy life styles considered to be very important to optimal wellness are as follows: "Exercising regularly, eating properly, managing streets, avoiding destructive habits, participating safe sex, adopting good safety habits, learning first aid, adopting good personal health behavior, seeking and complying with medical advice, being an informed consumer, protecting the environment, and managing time effectively.

Exercise regularly:

The food we eat has to be digested and absorbed for which the body machine requires constant exercise to burn the calories, without regular exercise our body becomes redundant. Exercise doesn't mean going to gym and do acrobatics. Simple walking or jogging would do, 'Walk a mile….Keep your smile'

Eating promptly:

We are….. What we eat. Modern junk food is nothing but slow poison. Our diet should be a balanced one. Limited carbohydrate and oils, plenty of vegetables, fruits and fibrous food, adequate clean water should be taken from time to time. Always make it a point to take heavy breakfast, moderate lunch and light dinner. 'Eat to live but not live to eat' should be the motto.

Avoiding destructive habits:

All the good work done by regular exercise and balanced diet is negated by vicious habits such as cigar, Beedi, Cigarette smoking, Jarda, Kaini, Panparag, boozing etc,

Cigarette smoking adverse effects on Human performance

1. Cigarette smoking increases the density of lungs

2. Decreases lung defusing capacity.

3. Decreases lung ventilation.

4. Decreases oxygen absorbing capacity.

5. Increases Heart rate and decreases stroke volume.

6. Decreases hand eye coordination.

7. Even for smaller work load also greater oxygen debt.

8. Cigarette smokers are more prone for heart deceases, lung cancer and T.B. (Tuberculosis)

9. A cigarette reduces approximately 1 to 3 minutes of our most valuable life, where as diabetics looses 5 to 8 minutes.

10. Long standing cigarette smoking further facilitates flaring up of the pre existing conditions of men.

11. Even passive smoking is harmful.

Adverse effect of Jarda, Kaini and Panpaarag Habits:

1. Leads to mouth ulcers and mouth cancers particularly lung palet and gums.

2. Throat cancer

3. Esophagus (food pipe) cancer

4. Stomach ulcers and cancer

Alcohol adverse effects

(a) Leads to gastritis (stomach ulcers and burning sensation)

(b) Liver cirrhosis (shrinkage of liver) liver cells are death and become fibrosis (fibrosis is nothing but scar tissue)

(c) Alcohol increases the diverse glomororal filterization of kidneys.

(d) People are advised to take medicated dose of alcohol may be 30 ML

(e) If intake increases they lost their inhibition.

(f) If intake further increases it affects the central nervous system and become unconsciousness.

So keep a distance from these Destructive habits:

Managing stress:

In the present modern world, stress accounts for a majority of slow-killing diseases such as Hypertension, Diabetes etc., the best way to prevent the ill-effects of stress is to relax and meditate daily for half an hour. Certain asanas also help in relieving stress. A good night's sleep is the best way to release stress.

Participating in safe sex:

Single sexual partner i.e., our life partner is an insurance to longevity of life. Multiple sexual partners is a free ticket to AIDS. Use of Immune contraceptives for safe Sex. The use of condom is the best way to practice safe sex. Use good quality condoms and indulge in abstinence from time to time.

Adopting good safety habits:

Personal habits and hygiene is the gateway to longevity and sound health. Early to bed and early to rise, periodical balanced diet, keeping away from smoking and boozing , keeping one's body and surroundings clean…. are some of the tips to maintain sound health.

Learning First Aid:

A wise man is one who has working knowledge of First Aid. For example how one should react during accidents, bleeding injuries cuts and burns, during heart attacks etc. Keeping a first aid box at hand is always advisable. It is the first that saves many lives during emergency. First aid is the thin line that saves life from death.

Seeking and complying with medical advice:

A health-conscious person should first know his physiology…ie., body behaviour. What his body likes and dislikes… what is reactive and resistant to his body. Getting periodical medical check-up and complying with the doctor's advice after forty is a must.

Being an informed consumer:

We are living in world of consumerism and market forces strongly influence our needs. So it is essential for us to be aware of the rights and responsibilities of a true consumer. An alert and watchful consumer would keep the market forces at bay. Unethical trade practices. Adulteration, tax evasion can be controlled if the consumer is aware and alive to 'the ticks of the trade'.

Protecting the Environment:

Survival of man depends on the survival of plants and animals-preserve our national heritage for safer and secure tomorrow, safeguarding environment is everybody's concern. Development must be environmentally sound and sustainable, socially desirable, economically viable and ecologically sustainable. Environment plays a key role in our lives. 'Live and let live' should be the motto of our life. Restricting the emission of Green house gases, sewage-water treatment, controlling sound, water, air and plastic pollution etc. We must adopt environmental-friendly methods such as grow more trees for the Purposes of one should maintain the ecological balance, to maintain the life support systems. Trees are considered to be the lungs of the world, directly indirectly for the welfare of the mankind. Besides being effective regulators of environmental protection.

A fifty year aged tree provides benefits approximately to the tune of 16 lakhs rupees worth in serving the mankind Oxygen production -2.5 lakhs

  1. Pollution Control - 4 Lakhs
  2. Soil Conservation - 2.5 Lakhs
  3. Water Conservation - 2.5 Lakhs
  4. Timber, fuel & Proteins - 0.5 Lakhs
  5. Shelter to Animals - 2 Lakhs
  6. Ozone Protection - 0.5 Lakhs
  7. Climate Regulation - 0.5 Lakhs
  8. Tope Soil Preservation -0.5Lakhs
  9. Preventing Global warning -0.5 Lakhs

Managing Time efficiently:

If there is something in this world which can never be regained is the lost time. 'If wealth is lost, nothing is lost….. if health is lost, something is lost, but if time is lost…everything is lost. So manage time efficiently. 'Make haste with leisure and fill every moment of your life with utility and bliss'

The study is designed to find out the effect of yogasana, pranayama, meditation, rectitation of mantras on body weight, resting pulse rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and blood sugar.

To achieve the purpose of the study 125 Females 30-40 years of age group having health problems such as obesity, pulse rate disorder, hypertension and diabetes millets were selected from yoga training centers and nature cure hospitals of Andhra Pradesh. This topic based on not just theoretical preparations but practical observations and conclusions

The recommended exercise program is 15 to 20 minutes of brisk walk followed by 10 yogasans, one kriya and four pranayamas

The exercise program is 6 weeks. Statistical data has been presented supported by bar diagrams for weight, resting pulse rates, blood pressure by systolic and diastolic and blood sugar levels clearly indicates the spectacular result after the exercise program .

Hence an appeal to Government Authorities and agencies and also various NGOs and Corporate Houses to inculcate the awareness of making extensive use of Indian theory of medicine particularly in villages where modern Medicare yet to reach.

If the Government of India priorities the systems in the forth coming 12th plan period, there is no reason why the Indian would become "Healthy Nation by 2020" if not earlier. I could also appeal to the intellectuals' scholars' .Academicians and planners to prevail upon the authorities concern to the necessary steps on a war footing to popularize Indian theory of medicine.


Tab: Mean values of Experimental Pre-Test & Post Test groups on Body Weight, Resting Pulse Rate, Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure and Blood sugar in the age group 30-35 Years.



Sample Size


Std. Deviation

Std. Error

P. Statistic

P. value


Experimental Pre-Test

Experimental Post-Test











Resting Pulse Rate

Experimental Pre-Test

Experimental Post-Test











Systolic Blood Pressure

Experimental Pre-Test

Experimental Post-Test











Diastolic Blood Pressure

Experimental Pre-Test

Experimental Post-Test











Blood Sugar

Experimental Pre-Test

Experimental Post-Test











Fig: Mean values of Experimental Pre-Test & Post Test groups on Body Weight, Resting Pulse Rate, Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure and Blood sugar in the age group 30-35 Years.

Tab: Mean values of Experimental Pre-Test & Post Test groups on Body Weight, Resting Pulse Rate, Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure and Blood sugar in the age group 36-40 Years.



Sample Size


Std. Deviation

Std. Error

P. Statistic

P. value


Experimental Pre-Test

Experimental Post-Test











Resting Pulse Rate

Experimental Pre-Test

Experimental Post-Test











Systolic Blood Pressure

Experimental Pre-Test

Experimental Post-Test











Diastolic Blood Pressure

Experimental Pre-Test

Experimental Post-Test











Blood Sugar

Experimental Pre-Test

Experimental Post-Test











Fig : Mean values of Experimental Pre-Test & Post Test groups on Body Weight, Resting Pulse Rate, Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure and Blood sugar in the age group 36-40 Years.